Welcome to Spreading The Flame International
Our Vision
STFI’s Vision is “Making disciples to inspire faith, hope and love in the world”. 1 Corinthians 13:13 in the Amplified Bible version, categorically states: “And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love. In other contexts, the word “love” is interchanged with “charity”.
Our Mission
Our Mission is inspired by 2 Timothy 1:6, the NKJV Bible says: Therefore I remind you “to stir up the gift of God which is in you”, through the laying on of my hands. The NIV Bible urges us “To fan into flame the gift of God which is in us”. STFI intentionally “spreads the flame” by prudently stewarding spiritual gifts, time and resources, through its charitable interventions. That’s why we are “Spreading The Flame” at home and abroad.
Core Values
Focusing on servant leadership and passionate love for the people
Empowering people to discover their divine purposes.
Improving the lives of the persecuted, orphans and widows.
Exercising prudent stewardship over spiritual gifts, time and funds.
Upholding integrity in stakeholder relations and all spheres of life.
First, we brainstorm to determine the problem and the perfect solution to our clients. We identify the problem, discuss your plans and desired outcomes, and analyze your target market.
We craft a unanimous definition of what everyone perceives to be the problem and outline a solution, complete with the most preferred systematic action towards the desired resolution.
We design a solution to the defined problem after confirming that everyone is on board. This involves thorough consultation among all the interested parties.
We develop the designed solution to the outlined problem, as agreed by our clients and other parties involved in the process.
We present a prototype of the solution and demonstrate how it works. Our clients test / analyze the solution.
We amend or re-adjust the service / product to the client’s satisfaction before its final delivery.
Our internal structures conveniently support self-publication of books, with expert guidance and assistance in the whole process.
We collaborate with proficient graphic designers to design aesthetic book covers and interiors, aware of the fact that many readers tend to judge books by their covers.
Our editorial team understands the publishing and printing processes, from drafting copies, editing / proof-reading as well as copy-editing, giving us the edge to meet required demands.
STFI’s structured procedures take into account other components of the printing processes, resulting in fast, quality printing, mass production and distribution of hard and soft copies, whether through self-publication or collaborations.
We are strategically positioned to advise our clients on management of their royalties and rights, with emphasis on how to maintain control of book content and design.
All our interventions, including capacity building, training and implementation of community-based Income Generating Activities, ultimately aim to charitably alleviate poverty and suffering among vulnerable groups, the persecuted, widows and orphans.